Az utolsó 6 lány közül mindenki nagyon tetszett nekünk... Vicának megfogott a szép mosolya (majdnem minden képen mosolyog) szerintünk szuper képeket tudunk vele csinálni. Kerekded, nőies formák nagyon szép hosszú barna haj kedves szemek. Elegáns stílus és gyönyörű profil. Tehát az alak-arc-stílus kategóriákban minden megfelelt. Néhány szó a másik 5 lányról:
Ivett nagyon szép, baba arcú lány nehezen ejtettük ki,
Evelinnek szuper alakja volt, úgyhogy a fürdőruhás képeitől mind le voltunk nyűgözve,
Ágnes vörös haja és érdekes karaktere fogott meg minket,
Kitti szép haja, vastag szája nagyon-nagyon jól mutat a fotókon.
Tímea fantasztikus alakjába szintén nem lehet belekötni (nem beszélve a hosszú hajáról:))...
De összességében Vica tetszett nekünk a leginkább!
Az őszi Süel katalógusfotózáskor a fotós Klinszky Gábor lesz, sminkes Barna Elza.
Készítettünk Vicával egy interjút:
Miért jelentkeztél a Suel arcának?
Egy budapesti látogatás alkalmával kb. egy éve lettem figyelmes a Süel márkára. Nagyon megtetszettek a kötött ruhák, hiszen letisztultak, mégis fantáziadúsak, a gyönyörű szín kavalkádról nem is beszélve, amiben kaphatóak. Szerettem volna szerencsét próbálni és éppen egy ilyen egyedülálló, mással össze nem téveszthető márka arcává válni.
Hol láttad a játékot?
A Facebook-on lettem figyelmes rá.
Készültek már rólad profi fotók?
Sajnos még nem. Eddig az orvosi egyetemen folytatott tanulmányaim miatt idom nem engedte, de mindig is szerettem volna részt venni egy ilyen profi fotózáson, és már nagyon várom.
Mi játszódott le benned, amikor megtudtad, hogy téged választottunk a Süel arcának?
Először el sem akartam hinni, majd amikor tudatosult bennem, hogy sikerült, nagyon örültem neki. Igazán megtisztelő a Süel arcának lenni.
We liked all the last 6 girls... We were caught by Vica's nice smile (she smiles in almost every photo), we think we can take nice pictures with her. Roundish, womanly figure, very long brown hair, kind eyes. Elegant style and wondeful profile. So everything was suitable in the figure-face-style category.
Some words about the other 5 girls:
Ivett is a beautiful girl with a babyface, it was difficult to drop her out. Evelin has a superb figure, so we were all enchanted by her bikini photos. We liked Ágnes because of her red hair and interesting character. Kitti's nice hair and thick lips look good in pictures. And you cannot find any problem with Tímea's fantastic figure, not to mention her long hair:)...
But to take everything into consideration, we preferred Vica.
Gábor Klinszky is going to the photographer and Elza Barna is the make-up artist during the autumn Süel catalogue shooting.
We made an interview with Vica:
Why did you want to become Suel's face?
I became aware of the brand, Süel approximately a year ago during a visit to Budapest. I really liked the knitted clothes, as they are clear but still creative, let alone their beautiful colours. I wanted to try myself and become the face of a unique brand like Süel.
Where did you find the competition?
I saw it on Facebook.
Have you ever been photographed professionally?
Unfortunately not yet. I didn't have time for anything like that because of my medical university studies but I have always wanted to participate in such a professional shooting, I can't wait.
How did you feel when you got the news that we chose you to becase Süel's face?
At first, I couldn't believe it, then, when I realized I had really made it, I was really pleased. It is an honour to be Süel's face.
We liked all the last 6 girls... We were caught by Vica's nice smile (she smiles in almost every photo), we think we can take nice pictures with her. Roundish, womanly figure, very long brown hair, kind eyes. Elegant style and wondeful profile. So everything was suitable in the figure-face-style category.
Some words about the other 5 girls:
Ivett is a beautiful girl with a babyface, it was difficult to drop her out. Evelin has a superb figure, so we were all enchanted by her bikini photos. We liked Ágnes because of her red hair and interesting character. Kitti's nice hair and thick lips look good in pictures. And you cannot find any problem with Tímea's fantastic figure, not to mention her long hair:)...
But to take everything into consideration, we preferred Vica.
Gábor Klinszky is going to the photographer and Elza Barna is the make-up artist during the autumn Süel catalogue shooting.
We made an interview with Vica:
Why did you want to become Suel's face?
I became aware of the brand, Süel approximately a year ago during a visit to Budapest. I really liked the knitted clothes, as they are clear but still creative, let alone their beautiful colours. I wanted to try myself and become the face of a unique brand like Süel.
Where did you find the competition?
I saw it on Facebook.
Have you ever been photographed professionally?
Unfortunately not yet. I didn't have time for anything like that because of my medical university studies but I have always wanted to participate in such a professional shooting, I can't wait.
How did you feel when you got the news that we chose you to becase Süel's face?
At first, I couldn't believe it, then, when I realized I had really made it, I was really pleased. It is an honour to be Süel's face.
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